Taylor Model Methods VII

December 14 — 17, 2011 in Key West, Florida


The official conference hotel is the Casa Marina hotel. We have negotiated a special conference rate of $169 per night for a standard room, which is also valid two days before and two days after the conference. Reservations must be made no later than November 20th to get the special rate. To obtain this rate, reserve your rooms online here.
The reservation website will erroneously state that a $25 resort fee is charged per day. This is incorrect and you should check that on your final invoice there is no such fee. If at the end of your stay you are charged the fee, contact the hotel right away and let them know that this fee should be waived.
Note: The rooms at reduced rate at the Casa Marina are now fully booked. However, there are many other suitable hotels in easy walking distance.

Other Hotels

There are also plenty of other hotels near the conference hotel. Most of them are within walking distance. For your convenience, here is a Google Map (hotel marks are clickable, larger map link on the bottom).

Larger map

Room Sharing

For those who would like to share a room with another participant, we offer a matching service. Simply email us the dates of your stay and we'll try to get you in touch with someone else looking to share a room.