Abstract Submission
1. Revision Submission
This is for the authors who received a modification request with the email subject "ICAP'18 Abstract Modification Requested".
Please submit your revised abstract
[The abstract upload page is closed.]
An abstract should be short, up to half a page in a single paragraph, using only ASCII characters. Please provide classification codes, too. The ICAP'18 classification codes are listed in the abstract submission page (the link above) as well as in the ICAP'18 Home Page.
Please note that your abstract will only be considered if you are also registered. All submissions will be identified by your email address, so please make sure to use the same email address for registration and payment.
2. Submission to JACoW's ICAP'18 Website
This is for the authors who received an acceptance notification with the email subject "ICAP'18 Abstract Accepted".
Your accepted abstract has to be uploaded to JACoW's ICAP'18 site in order to manage ICAP'18 JACoW proceedings papers and the underlying session scheduling system. Please upload the same abstract to JACoW's ICAP'18 website.
Please use your JACoW login credentials to access JACOW's ICAP'18 website. If you do not have a JACoW account, you can create one there.
There are a few differences between (1) the original submission system
and (2) the one to JACoW.
(a) JACoW requires only one classification code.
Please refer to the ICAP'18 Home Page
for the classification codes.
(b) The length of the abstract text is limited to 2,000 characters
in JACoW.
If your original abstract text is much longer, it will be truncated.
We have the full text of your original submission in our local database,
so please feel easy to upload even if it is truncated by the length limit.